Wildlife and Natural Amenities
During 2009 Stradbally Tidy Towns undertook a Heritage Council funded project to raise awareness of wildlife and biodiversity in and around Stradbally and to set out a Biodiversity Action Plan. We commissioned a habitat map, botanical survey, and compiled records of all species known from the area. We undertook surveys of bats and wildlife experts visited each of the local schools. Further details can be seen here
Biodiversity Action Plan 2010-12 link to pdf (File Size 1.4 megabites)

We also held bat walks, and botanical excursion around Stradbally and a dawn chorus walk.
Stradbally Tidy Towns undertake extensive planting and landscaping in and around Stradbally Village. In Spring 2011 we replaced ageing shrubs with some new planting.
Craig Keyworth, Tessie Begley, Eileen Keane and Shiela Corbett working to keep Stradbally beautiful.
In early 2011 Stradbally Tidy Towns sought assistance from FAS and Waterford County Council with installation of paving at Barrack Hill and Church Lane. The project has made this junction safer for pedestrians in the village.
Stradbally Biodiversity Action Plan